LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta
During World War 2 Blatchford Field was home to No. 4 Initial Training School from 8/6/41 to 30/11/44, to No. 16 Elementary Flying Training School from 1/12/40 to 17/7/42 and to No. 2 Air Observer School from 1/7/40 to 26/7/44.
Hangar 14, which now houses the Edmonton Aviation Heritage Centre is an excellent example of the standard British Commonwealth Air Training Plan hangar design which could be doubled in length or width depending on the size or function of a school. Hangar 14 is a very rare surviving example as it is the only remaining double/double (double long, double wide) hangar in Canada. Its most notable engineering design feature is the roof structure which is a modified Warren Truss System, spanning 34 metres without intermediate support.