Aboiteau farming was a form of land reclamation used by French Acadian colonists in the 17th. and 18th. centuries on the shores of the Bay of Fundy. The methodology of installing the aboiteau is that first earth dykes were built to prevent high tides from flooding...
LOCATION: Edmonton, Alberta DESCRIPTION: During World War 2 Blatchford Field was home to No. 4 Initial Training School from 8/6/41 to 30/11/44, to No. 16 Elementary Flying Training School from 1/12/40 to 17/7/42 and to No. 2 Air Observer School from 1/7/40 to 26/7/44....
Now Victoria International Airport, Patricia Bay Airfield was the home, in World War 2, of No. 3 Operational Training Unit, from 1/11/42 to 3/8/45, of No. 32 Operational Training Unit from 13/10/41 to 1/6/44 and of No. 13 Operational Training Squadron from 31/10/40 to...
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel I (1965) Site Location: Long: 81⁰-16’-32” W; Lat: 43⁰-00’-15” N. On the grounds of Western University. Take Wharncliffe Road north past Oxford Street, where it is renamed Western Road. Continue north on Western Road past the traffic...
Now owned by Irving Shipbuilding, the large dry dock was constructed in the 1880s for shipbuilding and repairs. It has functioned during two World Wars and is still serving the industry today. According to the CSCE’s Program of Designation, the 173-metre-long and...